Meet the family behind Maison Gai Saber.

Francine-Y Prévost
︎ Founder, Director
Poète-calligraphe. Née à Leigné.

Alain Prévost
︎ Maitre-d'oeuvre
Né et vit à Usseau.

Horst Hutter
︎ Founder
Born in exile. Teacher and author of Shaping the Future and Nietzsche's Therapeutic Teaching. Sculpting words from an examined life. Hanging out in Berkeley in 1968.

Harald Hutter
︎ Founder
Born in Montreal, lives in Paris. He is an avid filmmaker, moviegoer, gourmet and flâneur.
Website ︎︎︎

Ariel & Myrtille
︎ Résidents permanents

Florian Hutter
︎ Founder, Building Co-ord
Born in Montreal, lives in Paris. Actor and producer currently residing in Paris.